Wydanie anglojęzyczne – „Przegląd Religioznawczy – The Religious Studies Review”, 2015, no. 4 (258)


Wydanie anglojęzyczne – „Przegląd Religioznawczy – The Religious Studies Review”, 2015, no. 4 (258)

 Niniejsza publikaja zostały sfinansowana w ramach programu Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego: Narodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistycznego (NPRH) / The present thesis has been financed as a part of a programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which is called: The National Programme for the Development of Humanities (NPRH)

Strona tytułowa   Redakcja: Jerzy Kojkoł, Ewa Stachowska 

Maria Libiszowska-Żółtkowska  

  Resacralisation in postmodern culture. New developments of religion and spirituality
Beata Guzowska    Contemporary trends of the new spirituality
Jacek Zydorowicz   Radical shift and the cultural policy of emotions. Contemporary iconosphere of refugee crisis 
Monika Bobako   Inventing “Muslims in Europe”.  Religion, culture and identity in the time of neoliberalism 
Ewa Stachowska   World Youth Days in Cracow as a media event
Rafał Ilnicki   Cyberculture and Spiritual Experience
Janusz Mariański, Stanisław Wargacki  The liquid sacred in postmodern society
Ewelina Kaufmann  When the sacred and the profane meet. Religion and culture in the modern world
Łukasz Kleska   Benedict XVI about the European culture
Elżbieta Budakowska   Religious traditions in oral history as a co-component renewing the polish interrupted cultural identity in Brazil
Konrad Szocik   Functionality of religion in the contemporary culture
Anna Peck  Transbaikalian Buddhism in Christian perspective: cognitive patterns of the Catholic and Protestant observerscognitive patterns of the Catholic and Protestant observers
Andrzej Kasperek  Duane Elgin’s concept of the living universe in view of the process of neo-Romanticization
Maciej B. Stępień   Occultism: old and new notions